Would You Like Us To Check Your Insurance Benefits For You?

Do your insurance benefits cover you for hearing care and/or hearing aids?

With so much conflicting advice, confusing paperwork and different levels of care and cover, it can be confusing to know exactly what you’re covered for and what you’re not covered for.

Worst of all, if you don’t ask your insurance company the right questions, then you might not be benefitting from the benefits that you’re entitled to.

At Celestial Hearing, we partner with major insurance companies, as well as being a network provider for Blue Cross, Blue Shield and Blue Cross Centennial Care, to help you maximize your insurance benefits.

If you’re unsure what your insurance covers you for, then we would be delighted to check on your behalf with no-obligation. With over 25 year’s of experience working with insurance companies, we can help you maximize your benefits and discover what you’re entitled to.

Simply complete the form on this page, we’ll contact your insurance company on your behalf and be in touch to share our findings with you.


Prefer to speak to us? Give us a call at (575) 915-1112